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Frederic Ozanam

Founder of In Paris on 23rd April 1833, a group of six Sorbonne University students met with a

middle-aged journalist, Emmanuel Baily, in his office, to form a group to be called the

Conference of Charity. The leader of the group was Frederic Ozanam, who was driven by a deep

desire to find a way to help build the faith of his peers. Their purpose was simple: as a small

group of friends, they would become servants of the poor in Paris - just as Jesus Christ had been

servant to the people of his time. Frederic, while speaking in defence of the Church in some fiery

debates at the university, had been challenged by a young socialist: "What are you doing for the

poor now? Show us your works!". Frederic realised that talk alone would never give full witness

to the truth. That same night he and some friends pooled what money they had and bought

firewood for a poor family. He continued leading the group with the help of Sr. Rosalie Rendu,

who assisted them to meet the poor of Paris. Others were moved by their example to commit

themselves to serving the poor. They chose to call their group the Society of St Vincent de Paul,

based on the exemplary charitable life led by Vincent.the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.


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The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - St. John Conference @ St. John's University
300 Howard Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization