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Meet our Members

(2010 - 2011)

Kevin James


Kevin James ‘11C is the first St. John’s student selected to participate in the nonprofit Institute for Responsible Citizenship, a national organization that admits “the best and the brightest” African-American applicants nationwide for leadership training through high-profile internships. He currently serves as president of the St. John's Conference.

Jacklyn Tirotta

Vice President

A senior majoring in criminal justice and a minor in psychology.  She has been involved in the society since freshmen year and have enjoyed the journey that has made me grow as a person.  I have learned a lot from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and service has allowed me to become closer to God.  I am excited for graduation and what comes after.


Gabrielle Norton


Christopher Calangan


Alyssa Stamets


Lorianne Fitzsimmons

General Member



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The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - St. John Conference @ St. John's University
300 Howard Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization